YES 292.178 H-Termination proof of /home/matraf/haskell/eval_FullyBlown_Fast/FiniteMap.hs
H-Termination of the given Haskell-Program with start terms could successfully be proven:

  ↳ CR

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((addListToFM_C :: (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap Bool a  ->  [(Bool,a)]  ->  FiniteMap Bool a) :: (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap Bool a  ->  [(Bool,a)]  ->  FiniteMap Bool a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap a b = EmptyFM  | Branch a b Int (FiniteMap a b) (FiniteMap a b

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 

  addListToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]  ->  FiniteMap a b
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs 
foldl add fm key_elt_pairs where 
add fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C combiner fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt 
 | new_key < key = 
mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
 | new_key > key = 
mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise = 
Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap a b
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM _) (key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l _) findMin fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R 
 | size_l + size_r < 2 = 
mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l = 
case fm_R of
  Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr -> 
single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise -> 
double_L fm_L fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r = 
case fm_L of
  Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll -> 
single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise -> 
double_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ (Branch key_rl elt_rl _ fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr _ fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord a => Int  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
case fm_l of
  EmptyFM-> True
  Branch left_key _ _ _ _-> 
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
case fm_r of
  EmptyFM-> True
  Branch right_key _ _ _ _-> 
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap b a  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch _ _ size _ _) size

  unitFM :: b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

Case Reductions:
The following Case expression
case fm_l of
 EmptyFM → True
 Branch left_key _ _ _ _ → 
biggest_left_key  = fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key

is transformed to
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM = True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key _ _ _ _) = 
biggest_left_key  = fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key

The following Case expression
case fm_r of
 EmptyFM → True
 Branch right_key _ _ _ _ → 
smallest_right_key  = fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key

is transformed to
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM = True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key _ _ _ _) = 
smallest_right_key  = fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key

The following Case expression
case fm_R of
 Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr
 → single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 → double_L fm_L fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr)
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr
 = single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_L fm_L fm_R

The following Case expression
case fm_L of
 Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll
 → single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 → double_R fm_L fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr)
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll
 = single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_R fm_L fm_R

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((addListToFM_C :: (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap Bool a  ->  [(Bool,a)]  ->  FiniteMap Bool a) :: (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap Bool a  ->  [(Bool,a)]  ->  FiniteMap Bool a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 

  addListToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]  ->  FiniteMap b a
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs 
foldl add fm key_elt_pairs where 
add fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C combiner fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt 
 | new_key < key = 
mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
 | new_key > key = 
mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise = 
Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM _) (key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l _) findMin fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R 
 | size_l + size_r < 2 = 
mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l = 
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r = 
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ (Branch key_rl elt_rl _ fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr _ fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr = 
single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll = 
single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_R fm_L fm_R
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord b => Int  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
left_ok left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key _ _ _ _) 
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
right_ok right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key _ _ _ _) 
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap a b  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch _ _ size _ _) size

  unitFM :: a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

Replaced joker patterns by fresh variables and removed binding patterns.

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
          ↳ COR

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((addListToFM_C :: (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap Bool a  ->  [(Bool,a)]  ->  FiniteMap Bool a) :: (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap Bool a  ->  [(Bool,a)]  ->  FiniteMap Bool a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap a b) where 

  addListToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]  ->  FiniteMap a b
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs 
foldl add fm key_elt_pairs where 
add fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C combiner fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt 
 | new_key < key = 
mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
 | new_key > key = 
mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise = 
Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap a b
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMax (Branch key elt xw xx EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt xy xz fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMin (Branch key elt wy EmptyFM wz(key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt xu fm_l xvfindMin fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord b => b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R 
 | size_l + size_r < 2 = 
mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l = 
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r = 
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zy (Branch key_rl elt_rl zz fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l zw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr zx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr = 
single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll = 
single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_R fm_L fm_R
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vux fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l yy fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord b => Int  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
left_ok left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key wu wv ww wx
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
right_ok right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key vw vx vy vz
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap b a  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch yu yv size yw yxsize

  unitFM :: a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

Cond Reductions:
The following Function with conditions
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt = unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt
 | new_key < key
 = mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_eltfm_r
 | new_key > key
 = mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise
 = Branch new_key (combiner elt new_eltsize fm_l fm_r

is transformed to
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt = addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt = addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt

addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True = mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_eltfm_r
addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False = addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key > key)

addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True = mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False = addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt otherwise

addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True = Branch new_key (combiner elt new_eltsize fm_l fm_r

addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt = addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key < key)

addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt = unitFM key elt
addToFM_C4 vvx vvy vvz vwu = addToFM_C3 vvx vvy vvz vwu

The following Function with conditions
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr)
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll
 = single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_R fm_L fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr)

mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True = single_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr False = mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr otherwise

mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True = double_R fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)

The following Function with conditions
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr)
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr
 = single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_L fm_L fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr)

mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True = double_L fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True = single_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr False = mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr otherwise

mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)

The following Function with conditions
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_l + size_r < 2
 = mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l
 = mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r
 = mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
 | otherwise
 = mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zy (Branch key_rl elt_rl zz fm_rll fm_rlrfm_rr) = mkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l zw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr zx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r = mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr)
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr
 = single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr)
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll
 = single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_R fm_L fm_R
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vux fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rlfm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l yy fm_ll fm_lrfm_r = mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l  = sizeFM fm_L
size_r  = sizeFM fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R = mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R = 
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l + size_r < 2)
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zy (Branch key_rl elt_rl zz fm_rll fm_rlrfm_rr) = mkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l zw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr zx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r = mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr)
mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True = double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True = single_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr False = mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr otherwise
mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr)
mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True = double_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True = single_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr False = mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr otherwise
mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)
mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r)
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vux fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rlfm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l yy fm_ll fm_lrfm_r = mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l  = sizeFM fm_L
size_r  = sizeFM fm_R

The following Function with conditions
compare x y
 | x == y
 = EQ
 | x <= y
 = LT
 | otherwise
 = GT

is transformed to
compare x y = compare3 x y

compare2 x y True = EQ
compare2 x y False = compare1 x y (x <= y)

compare0 x y True = GT

compare1 x y True = LT
compare1 x y False = compare0 x y otherwise

compare3 x y = compare2 x y (x == y)

The following Function with conditions
 | False
 = undefined

is transformed to
undefined  = undefined1

undefined0 True = undefined

undefined1  = undefined0 False

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
              ↳ LetRed

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((addListToFM_C :: (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap Bool a  ->  [(Bool,a)]  ->  FiniteMap Bool a) :: (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap Bool a  ->  [(Bool,a)]  ->  FiniteMap Bool a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap a b = EmptyFM  | Branch a b Int (FiniteMap a b) (FiniteMap a b

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 

  addListToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]  ->  FiniteMap a b
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs 
foldl add fm key_elt_pairs where 
add fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C combiner fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r) new_key new_elt

addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt otherwise

addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key > key)

addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key < key)

addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C4 vvx vvy vvz vwu addToFM_C3 vvx vvy vvz vwu

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMax (Branch key elt xw xx EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt xy xz fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMin (Branch key elt wy EmptyFM wz(key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt xu fm_l xvfindMin fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R 
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l + size_r < 2) where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zy (Branch key_rl elt_rl zz fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l zw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr zx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr)
mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True single_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr False mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr otherwise
mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr)
mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True double_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True single_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr False mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr otherwise
mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)
mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r)
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vux fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l yy fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord a => Int  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
left_ok left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key wu wv ww wx
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
right_ok right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key vw vx vy vz
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap a b  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch yu yv size yw yxsize

  unitFM :: a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

Let/Where Reductions:
The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
result  = Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok  = True
left_ok  = left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM = True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key wu wv ww wx) = 
biggest_left_key  = fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size  = sizeFM fm_l
right_ok  = right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM = True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key vw vx vy vz) = 
smallest_right_key  = fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size  = sizeFM fm_r
unbox x = x

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBranchRight_ok vwx vwy vwz = mkBranchRight_ok0 vwx vwy vwz vwx vwy vwx

mkBranchLeft_ok0 vwx vwy vwz fm_l key EmptyFM = True
mkBranchLeft_ok0 vwx vwy vwz fm_l key (Branch left_key wu wv ww wx) = mkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key fm_l < key

mkBranchLeft_size vwx vwy vwz = sizeFM vwz

mkBranchBalance_ok vwx vwy vwz = True

mkBranchUnbox vwx vwy vwz x = x

mkBranchRight_ok0 vwx vwy vwz fm_r key EmptyFM = True
mkBranchRight_ok0 vwx vwy vwz fm_r key (Branch right_key vw vx vy vz) = key < mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key fm_r

mkBranchRight_size vwx vwy vwz = sizeFM vwx

mkBranchLeft_ok vwx vwy vwz = mkBranchLeft_ok0 vwx vwy vwz vwz vwy vwz

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
result  = Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBranchResult vxu vxv vxw vxx = Branch vxu vxv (mkBranchUnbox vxw vxu vxx (1 + mkBranchLeft_size vxw vxu vxx + mkBranchRight_size vxw vxu vxx)) vxx vxw

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l + size_r < 2)
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zy (Branch key_rl elt_rl zz fm_rll fm_rlrfm_rr) = mkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l zw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr zx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r = mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr)
mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True = double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True = single_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr False = mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr otherwise
mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr)
mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True = double_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True = single_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr False = mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr otherwise
mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)
mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r)
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vux fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rlfm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l yy fm_ll fm_lrfm_r = mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l  = sizeFM fm_L
size_r  = sizeFM fm_R

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l vxy vxz vyu vyv > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_r vxy vxz vyu vyv)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True = mkBalBranch6Single_R vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr otherwise

mkBalBranch6Double_R vxy vxz vyu vyv (Branch key_l elt_l zw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr zx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r = mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 vxy vxz fm_lrr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6Double_L vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zy (Branch key_rl elt_rl zz fm_rll fm_rlrfm_rr) = mkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 vxy vxz fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6Single_R vxy vxz vyu vyv (Branch key_l elt_l yy fm_ll fm_lrfm_r = mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 vxy vxz fm_lr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6Single_L vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vux fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 vxy vxz fm_l fm_rlfm_rr

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True = mkBalBranch6Single_L vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True = mkBalBranch6Double_R vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_r vxy vxz vyu vyv > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_l vxy vxz vyu vyv)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6Size_l vxy vxz vyu vyv = sizeFM vyu

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)

mkBalBranch6Size_r vxy vxz vyu vyv = sizeFM vyv

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True = mkBalBranch6Double_L vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
foldl add fm key_elt_pairs
add fmap (key,elt) = addToFM_C combiner fmap key elt

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
addListToFM_CAdd vyw fmap (key,elt) = addToFM_C vyw fmap key elt

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
biggest_left_key  = fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key vyx = fst (findMax vyx)

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
smallest_right_key  = fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key vyy = fst (findMin vyy)

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                  ↳ NumRed

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((addListToFM_C :: (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap Bool a  ->  [(Bool,a)]  ->  FiniteMap Bool a) :: (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap Bool a  ->  [(Bool,a)]  ->  FiniteMap Bool a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap a b = EmptyFM  | Branch a b Int (FiniteMap a b) (FiniteMap a b

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 

  addListToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]  ->  FiniteMap b a
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs foldl (addListToFM_CAdd combiner) fm key_elt_pairs

addListToFM_CAdd vyw fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C vyw fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r) new_key new_elt

addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt otherwise

addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key > key)

addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key < key)

addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C4 vvx vvy vvz vwu addToFM_C3 vvx vvy vvz vwu

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMax (Branch key elt xw xx EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt xy xz fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMin (Branch key elt wy EmptyFM wz(key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt xu fm_l xvfindMin fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l key elt fm_L fm_R + mkBalBranch6Size_r key elt fm_L fm_R < 2)

mkBalBranch6Double_L vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zy (Branch key_rl elt_rl zz fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 vxy vxz fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6Double_R vxy vxz vyu vyv (Branch key_l elt_l zw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr zx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 vxy vxz fm_lrr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True mkBalBranch6Double_L vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True mkBalBranch6Single_L vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True mkBalBranch6Double_R vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True mkBalBranch6Single_R vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l vxy vxz vyu vyv > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_r vxy vxz vyu vyv)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_r vxy vxz vyu vyv > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_l vxy vxz vyu vyv)

mkBalBranch6Single_L vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vux fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 vxy vxz fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr

mkBalBranch6Single_R vxy vxz vyu vyv (Branch key_l elt_l yy fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 vxy vxz fm_lr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6Size_l vxy vxz vyu vyv sizeFM vyu

mkBalBranch6Size_r vxy vxz vyu vyv sizeFM vyv

  mkBranch :: Ord a => Int  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r mkBranchResult key elt fm_r fm_l

mkBranchBalance_ok vwx vwy vwz True

mkBranchLeft_ok vwx vwy vwz mkBranchLeft_ok0 vwx vwy vwz vwz vwy vwz

mkBranchLeft_ok0 vwx vwy vwz fm_l key EmptyFM True
mkBranchLeft_ok0 vwx vwy vwz fm_l key (Branch left_key wu wv ww wxmkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key fm_l < key

mkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key vyx fst (findMax vyx)

mkBranchLeft_size vwx vwy vwz sizeFM vwz

mkBranchResult vxu vxv vxw vxx Branch vxu vxv (mkBranchUnbox vxw vxu vxx (1 + mkBranchLeft_size vxw vxu vxx + mkBranchRight_size vxw vxu vxx)) vxx vxw

mkBranchRight_ok vwx vwy vwz mkBranchRight_ok0 vwx vwy vwz vwx vwy vwx

mkBranchRight_ok0 vwx vwy vwz fm_r key EmptyFM True
mkBranchRight_ok0 vwx vwy vwz fm_r key (Branch right_key vw vx vy vzkey < mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key fm_r

mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key vyy fst (findMin vyy)

mkBranchRight_size vwx vwy vwz sizeFM vwx

  mkBranchUnbox :: Ord a =>  ->  (FiniteMap a b) ( ->  a ( ->  (FiniteMap a b) (Int  ->  Int)))
mkBranchUnbox vwx vwy vwz x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap a b  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch yu yv size yw yxsize

  unitFM :: a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

Num Reduction: All numbers are transformed to thier corresponding representation with Pos, Neg, Succ and Zero.

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                      ↳ Narrow

mainModule FiniteMap
  (addListToFM_C :: (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap Bool a  ->  [(Bool,a)]  ->  FiniteMap Bool a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap a b) where 

  addListToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]  ->  FiniteMap a b
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs foldl (addListToFM_CAdd combiner) fm key_elt_pairs

addListToFM_CAdd vyw fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C vyw fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r) new_key new_elt

addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt otherwise

addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key > key)

addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key < key)

addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C4 vvx vvy vvz vwu addToFM_C3 vvx vvy vvz vwu

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMax (Branch key elt xw xx EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt xy xz fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMin (Branch key elt wy EmptyFM wz(key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt xu fm_l xvfindMin fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord b => b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l key elt fm_L fm_R + mkBalBranch6Size_r key elt fm_L fm_R < Pos (Succ (Succ Zero)))

mkBalBranch6Double_L vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zy (Branch key_rl elt_rl zz fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))) key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))))) vxy vxz fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))))) key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6Double_R vxy vxz vyu vyv (Branch key_l elt_l zw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr zx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))))))))) key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))))))))) key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))))))))))) vxy vxz fm_lrr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True mkBalBranch6Double_L vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr True mkBalBranch6Single_L vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R vuu vuv vuw fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < Pos (Succ (Succ Zero)) * sizeFM fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True mkBalBranch6Double_R vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr True mkBalBranch6Single_R vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < Pos (Succ (Succ Zero)) * sizeFM fm_ll)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ Zero))) key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l vxy vxz vyu vyv > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_r vxy vxz vyu vyv)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch (Pos (Succ Zero)) key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 vxy vxz vyu vyv key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_r vxy vxz vyu vyv > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_l vxy vxz vyu vyv)

mkBalBranch6Single_L vxy vxz vyu vyv fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vux fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))) key_r elt_r (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))) vxy vxz fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr

mkBalBranch6Single_R vxy vxz vyu vyv (Branch key_l elt_l yy fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))))))) key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))))))) vxy vxz fm_lr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6Size_l vxy vxz vyu vyv sizeFM vyu

mkBalBranch6Size_r vxy vxz vyu vyv sizeFM vyv

  mkBranch :: Ord a => Int  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r mkBranchResult key elt fm_r fm_l

mkBranchBalance_ok vwx vwy vwz True

mkBranchLeft_ok vwx vwy vwz mkBranchLeft_ok0 vwx vwy vwz vwz vwy vwz

mkBranchLeft_ok0 vwx vwy vwz fm_l key EmptyFM True
mkBranchLeft_ok0 vwx vwy vwz fm_l key (Branch left_key wu wv ww wxmkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key fm_l < key

mkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key vyx fst (findMax vyx)

mkBranchLeft_size vwx vwy vwz sizeFM vwz

mkBranchResult vxu vxv vxw vxx Branch vxu vxv (mkBranchUnbox vxw vxu vxx (Pos (Succ Zero+ mkBranchLeft_size vxw vxu vxx + mkBranchRight_size vxw vxu vxx)) vxx vxw

mkBranchRight_ok vwx vwy vwz mkBranchRight_ok0 vwx vwy vwz vwx vwy vwx

mkBranchRight_ok0 vwx vwy vwz fm_r key EmptyFM True
mkBranchRight_ok0 vwx vwy vwz fm_r key (Branch right_key vw vx vy vzkey < mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key fm_r

mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key vyy fst (findMin vyy)

mkBranchRight_size vwx vwy vwz sizeFM vwx

  mkBranchUnbox :: Ord a =>  ->  (FiniteMap a b) ( ->  a ( ->  (FiniteMap a b) (Int  ->  Int)))
mkBranchUnbox vwx vwy vwz x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int
sIZE_RATIO Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap b a  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM Pos Zero
sizeFM (Branch yu yv size yw yxsize

  unitFM :: b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
unitFM key elt Branch key elt (Pos (Succ Zero)) emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

Haskell To QDPs

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_primMinusNat(Succ(vyz2570), Succ(vyz314000)) → new_primMinusNat(vyz2570, vyz314000)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_primPlusNat(Succ(vyz620000), Succ(vyz442000)) → new_primPlusNat(vyz620000, vyz442000)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(vyz3114, vyz3115, vyz3116, vyz3117, vyz3118, vyz3119, vyz3120, vyz3121, vyz3122, vyz3123, vyz3124, vyz3125, vyz3126, Succ(vyz31270), Succ(vyz31280), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(vyz3114, vyz3115, vyz3116, vyz3117, vyz3118, vyz3119, vyz3120, vyz3121, vyz3122, vyz3123, vyz3124, vyz3125, vyz3126, vyz31270, vyz31280, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch010(vyz3098, vyz3099, vyz3100, vyz3101, vyz3102, vyz3103, vyz3104, vyz3105, vyz3106, vyz3107, vyz3108, vyz3109, vyz3110, Succ(vyz31110), Succ(vyz31120), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch010(vyz3098, vyz3099, vyz3100, vyz3101, vyz3102, vyz3103, vyz3104, vyz3105, vyz3106, vyz3107, vyz3108, vyz3109, vyz3110, vyz31110, vyz31120, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch011(vyz3081, vyz3082, vyz3083, vyz3084, vyz3085, vyz3086, vyz3087, vyz3088, vyz3089, vyz3090, vyz3091, vyz3092, vyz3093, vyz3094, Succ(vyz30950), Succ(vyz30960), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch011(vyz3081, vyz3082, vyz3083, vyz3084, vyz3085, vyz3086, vyz3087, vyz3088, vyz3089, vyz3090, vyz3091, vyz3092, vyz3093, vyz3094, vyz30950, vyz30960, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch012(vyz3064, vyz3065, vyz3066, vyz3067, vyz3068, vyz3069, vyz3070, vyz3071, vyz3072, vyz3073, vyz3074, vyz3075, vyz3076, vyz3077, Succ(vyz30780), Succ(vyz30790), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch012(vyz3064, vyz3065, vyz3066, vyz3067, vyz3068, vyz3069, vyz3070, vyz3071, vyz3072, vyz3073, vyz3074, vyz3075, vyz3076, vyz3077, vyz30780, vyz30790, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch013(vyz41, vyz430, vyz431, vyz433, vyz434, vyz70, vyz71, vyz73, vyz74, Succ(vyz799000), Succ(vyz120400), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch013(vyz41, vyz430, vyz431, vyz433, vyz434, vyz70, vyz71, vyz73, vyz74, vyz799000, vyz120400, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch014(vyz41, vyz430, vyz431, vyz433, vyz434, vyz70, vyz71, vyz7200000, vyz73, vyz74, Succ(vyz797000), Succ(vyz119600), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch014(vyz41, vyz430, vyz431, vyz433, vyz434, vyz70, vyz71, vyz7200000, vyz73, vyz74, vyz797000, vyz119600, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch015(vyz41, vyz430, vyz431, vyz433, vyz434, vyz70, vyz71, vyz73, vyz74, Succ(vyz871000), Succ(vyz130700), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch015(vyz41, vyz430, vyz431, vyz433, vyz434, vyz70, vyz71, vyz73, vyz74, vyz871000, vyz130700, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch016(vyz41, vyz430, vyz431, vyz433, vyz434, vyz70, vyz71, vyz72000000, vyz73, vyz74, Succ(vyz869000), Succ(vyz129900), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch016(vyz41, vyz430, vyz431, vyz433, vyz434, vyz70, vyz71, vyz72000000, vyz73, vyz74, vyz869000, vyz129900, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch017(vyz517, vyz518, vyz519, vyz520, vyz521, vyz522, vyz523, vyz524, vyz525, vyz526, Succ(vyz1104000), Succ(vyz146300), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch017(vyz517, vyz518, vyz519, vyz520, vyz521, vyz522, vyz523, vyz524, vyz525, vyz526, vyz1104000, vyz146300, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(vyz2662, vyz2663, vyz2664, vyz2665, vyz2666, vyz2667, vyz2668, vyz2669, vyz2670, vyz2671, vyz2672, Succ(vyz2944000), Succ(vyz303700), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(vyz2662, vyz2663, vyz2664, vyz2665, vyz2666, vyz2667, vyz2668, vyz2669, vyz2670, vyz2671, vyz2672, vyz2944000, vyz303700, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(vyz2662, vyz2663, vyz2664, vyz2665, vyz2666, vyz2667, vyz2668, vyz2669, vyz2670, vyz2671, vyz2672, Succ(vyz2769000), Succ(vyz287200), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(vyz2662, vyz2663, vyz2664, vyz2665, vyz2666, vyz2667, vyz2668, vyz2669, vyz2670, vyz2671, vyz2672, vyz2769000, vyz287200, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch018(vyz2662, vyz2663, vyz2664, vyz2665, vyz2666, vyz2667, vyz2668, vyz2669, vyz2670, vyz2671, vyz2672, Succ(vyz2757000), Succ(vyz283800), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch018(vyz2662, vyz2663, vyz2664, vyz2665, vyz2666, vyz2667, vyz2668, vyz2669, vyz2670, vyz2671, vyz2672, vyz2757000, vyz283800, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(vyz2662, vyz2663, vyz2664, vyz2665, vyz2666, vyz2667, vyz2668, vyz2669, vyz2670, vyz2671, vyz2672, Succ(vyz26730), Succ(vyz26740), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(vyz2662, vyz2663, vyz2664, vyz2665, vyz2666, vyz2667, vyz2668, vyz2669, vyz2670, vyz2671, vyz2672, vyz26730, vyz26740, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch110(vyz2649, vyz2650, vyz2651, vyz2652, vyz2653, vyz2654, vyz2655, vyz2656, vyz2657, vyz2658, Succ(vyz2755000), Succ(vyz283700), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch110(vyz2649, vyz2650, vyz2651, vyz2652, vyz2653, vyz2654, vyz2655, vyz2656, vyz2657, vyz2658, vyz2755000, vyz283700, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch30(vyz2649, vyz2650, vyz2651, vyz2652, vyz2653, vyz2654, vyz2655, vyz2656, vyz2657, vyz2658, Succ(vyz26590), Succ(vyz26600), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch30(vyz2649, vyz2650, vyz2651, vyz2652, vyz2653, vyz2654, vyz2655, vyz2656, vyz2657, vyz2658, vyz26590, vyz26600, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch111(vyz502, vyz503, vyz504, vyz505, vyz506, vyz507, vyz508, vyz509, vyz510, vyz511, vyz512, Succ(vyz1327000), Succ(vyz197300), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch111(vyz502, vyz503, vyz504, vyz505, vyz506, vyz507, vyz508, vyz509, vyz510, vyz511, vyz512, vyz1327000, vyz197300, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch31(vyz502, vyz503, vyz504, vyz505, vyz506, vyz507, vyz508, vyz509, vyz510, vyz511, vyz512, Succ(vyz794000), Succ(vyz118600), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch31(vyz502, vyz503, vyz504, vyz505, vyz506, vyz507, vyz508, vyz509, vyz510, vyz511, vyz512, vyz794000, vyz118600, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch019(vyz3341, vyz3342, vyz3343, vyz3344, vyz3345, vyz3346, vyz3347, vyz3348, vyz3349, vyz3350, vyz3351, vyz3352, vyz3353, Succ(vyz33540), Succ(vyz33550), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch019(vyz3341, vyz3342, vyz3343, vyz3344, vyz3345, vyz3346, vyz3347, vyz3348, vyz3349, vyz3350, vyz3351, vyz3352, vyz3353, vyz33540, vyz33550, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0110(vyz3325, vyz3326, vyz3327, vyz3328, vyz3329, vyz3330, vyz3331, vyz3332, vyz3333, vyz3334, vyz3335, vyz3336, vyz3337, Succ(vyz33380), Succ(vyz33390), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0110(vyz3325, vyz3326, vyz3327, vyz3328, vyz3329, vyz3330, vyz3331, vyz3332, vyz3333, vyz3334, vyz3335, vyz3336, vyz3337, vyz33380, vyz33390, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0111(vyz3308, vyz3309, vyz3310, vyz3311, vyz3312, vyz3313, vyz3314, vyz3315, vyz3316, vyz3317, vyz3318, vyz3319, vyz3320, vyz3321, Succ(vyz33220), Succ(vyz33230), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0111(vyz3308, vyz3309, vyz3310, vyz3311, vyz3312, vyz3313, vyz3314, vyz3315, vyz3316, vyz3317, vyz3318, vyz3319, vyz3320, vyz3321, vyz33220, vyz33230, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0112(vyz3291, vyz3292, vyz3293, vyz3294, vyz3295, vyz3296, vyz3297, vyz3298, vyz3299, vyz3300, vyz3301, vyz3302, vyz3303, vyz3304, Succ(vyz33050), Succ(vyz33060), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0112(vyz3291, vyz3292, vyz3293, vyz3294, vyz3295, vyz3296, vyz3297, vyz3298, vyz3299, vyz3300, vyz3301, vyz3302, vyz3303, vyz3304, vyz33050, vyz33060, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch112(vyz3006, vyz3007, vyz3008, vyz3009, vyz3010, vyz3011, vyz3012, vyz3013, vyz3014, vyz3015, Succ(vyz3040000), Succ(vyz305300), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch112(vyz3006, vyz3007, vyz3008, vyz3009, vyz3010, vyz3011, vyz3012, vyz3013, vyz3014, vyz3015, vyz3040000, vyz305300, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch32(vyz3006, vyz3007, vyz3008, vyz3009, vyz3010, vyz3011, vyz3012, vyz3013, vyz3014, vyz3015, Succ(vyz30160), Succ(vyz30170), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch32(vyz3006, vyz3007, vyz3008, vyz3009, vyz3010, vyz3011, vyz3012, vyz3013, vyz3014, vyz3015, vyz30160, vyz30170, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch113(vyz1235, vyz1236, vyz1237, vyz1238, vyz1239, vyz1240, vyz1241, vyz1242, vyz1243, vyz1244, Succ(vyz1487000), Succ(vyz221800), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch113(vyz1235, vyz1236, vyz1237, vyz1238, vyz1239, vyz1240, vyz1241, vyz1242, vyz1243, vyz1244, vyz1487000, vyz221800, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch33(vyz1235, vyz1236, vyz1237, vyz1238, vyz1239, vyz1240, vyz1241, vyz1242, vyz1243, vyz1244, Succ(vyz1261000), Succ(vyz128100), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch33(vyz1235, vyz1236, vyz1237, vyz1238, vyz1239, vyz1240, vyz1241, vyz1242, vyz1243, vyz1244, vyz1261000, vyz128100, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0113(vyz1235, vyz1236, vyz1237, vyz1238, vyz1239, vyz1240, vyz1241, vyz1242, vyz1243, vyz1244, Succ(vyz1258000), Succ(vyz127300), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0113(vyz1235, vyz1236, vyz1237, vyz1238, vyz1239, vyz1240, vyz1241, vyz1242, vyz1243, vyz1244, vyz1258000, vyz127300, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch40(vyz1235, vyz1236, vyz1237, vyz1238, vyz1239, vyz1240, vyz1241, vyz1242, vyz1243, vyz1244, Succ(vyz12450), Succ(vyz12460), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch40(vyz1235, vyz1236, vyz1237, vyz1238, vyz1239, vyz1240, vyz1241, vyz1242, vyz1243, vyz1244, vyz12450, vyz12460, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch114(vyz1760, vyz1761, vyz1762, vyz1763, vyz1764, vyz1765, vyz1766, vyz1767, vyz1768, vyz1769, vyz1770, Succ(vyz2000000), Succ(vyz221000), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch114(vyz1760, vyz1761, vyz1762, vyz1763, vyz1764, vyz1765, vyz1766, vyz1767, vyz1768, vyz1769, vyz1770, vyz2000000, vyz221000, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch34(vyz1760, vyz1761, vyz1762, vyz1763, vyz1764, vyz1765, vyz1766, vyz1767, vyz1768, vyz1769, vyz1770, Succ(vyz1906000), Succ(vyz198700), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch34(vyz1760, vyz1761, vyz1762, vyz1763, vyz1764, vyz1765, vyz1766, vyz1767, vyz1768, vyz1769, vyz1770, vyz1906000, vyz198700, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0114(vyz1760, vyz1761, vyz1762, vyz1763, vyz1764, vyz1765, vyz1766, vyz1767, vyz1768, vyz1769, vyz1770, Succ(vyz1897000), Succ(vyz197900), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0114(vyz1760, vyz1761, vyz1762, vyz1763, vyz1764, vyz1765, vyz1766, vyz1767, vyz1768, vyz1769, vyz1770, vyz1897000, vyz197900, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch41(vyz1760, vyz1761, vyz1762, vyz1763, vyz1764, vyz1765, vyz1766, vyz1767, vyz1768, vyz1769, vyz1770, Succ(vyz17710), Succ(vyz17720), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch41(vyz1760, vyz1761, vyz1762, vyz1763, vyz1764, vyz1765, vyz1766, vyz1767, vyz1768, vyz1769, vyz1770, vyz17710, vyz17720, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch115(vyz2920, vyz2921, vyz2922, vyz2923, vyz2924, vyz2925, Succ(vyz3018000), Succ(vyz304300), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch115(vyz2920, vyz2921, vyz2922, vyz2923, vyz2924, vyz2925, vyz3018000, vyz304300, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch35(vyz2920, vyz2921, vyz2922, vyz2923, vyz2924, vyz2925, Succ(vyz29260), Succ(vyz29270), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch35(vyz2920, vyz2921, vyz2922, vyz2923, vyz2924, vyz2925, vyz29260, vyz29270, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0115(vyz3242, vyz3243, vyz3244, vyz3245, vyz3246, vyz3247, vyz3248, vyz3249, vyz3250, vyz3251, Succ(vyz32520), Succ(vyz32530), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0115(vyz3242, vyz3243, vyz3244, vyz3245, vyz3246, vyz3247, vyz3248, vyz3249, vyz3250, vyz3251, vyz32520, vyz32530, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0116(vyz3229, vyz3230, vyz3231, vyz3232, vyz3233, vyz3234, vyz3235, vyz3236, vyz3237, vyz3238, Succ(vyz32390), Succ(vyz32400), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0116(vyz3229, vyz3230, vyz3231, vyz3232, vyz3233, vyz3234, vyz3235, vyz3236, vyz3237, vyz3238, vyz32390, vyz32400, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0117(vyz2191, vyz2192, vyz2193, vyz2194, vyz2195, vyz2196, vyz2197, vyz2198, vyz2199, vyz2200, vyz2201, vyz2202, vyz2203, vyz2204, vyz2205, vyz2206, vyz2207, Succ(vyz22080), Succ(vyz22090), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0117(vyz2191, vyz2192, vyz2193, vyz2194, vyz2195, vyz2196, vyz2197, vyz2198, vyz2199, vyz2200, vyz2201, vyz2202, vyz2203, vyz2204, vyz2205, vyz2206, vyz2207, vyz22080, vyz22090, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0118(vyz2171, vyz2172, vyz2173, vyz2174, vyz2175, vyz2176, vyz2177, vyz2178, vyz2179, vyz2180, vyz2181, vyz2182, vyz2183, vyz2184, vyz2185, vyz2186, vyz2187, Succ(vyz21880), Succ(vyz21890), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0118(vyz2171, vyz2172, vyz2173, vyz2174, vyz2175, vyz2176, vyz2177, vyz2178, vyz2179, vyz2180, vyz2181, vyz2182, vyz2183, vyz2184, vyz2185, vyz2186, vyz2187, vyz21880, vyz21890, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0119(vyz2150, vyz2151, vyz2152, vyz2153, vyz2154, vyz2155, vyz2156, vyz2157, vyz2158, vyz2159, vyz2160, vyz2161, vyz2162, vyz2163, vyz2164, vyz2165, vyz2166, vyz2167, Succ(vyz21680), Succ(vyz21690), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0119(vyz2150, vyz2151, vyz2152, vyz2153, vyz2154, vyz2155, vyz2156, vyz2157, vyz2158, vyz2159, vyz2160, vyz2161, vyz2162, vyz2163, vyz2164, vyz2165, vyz2166, vyz2167, vyz21680, vyz21690, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0120(vyz1388, vyz1389, vyz1390, vyz1391, vyz1392, vyz1393, vyz1394, vyz1395, vyz1396, vyz1397, vyz1398, vyz1399, vyz1400, vyz1401, vyz1402, vyz1403, vyz1404, vyz1405, Succ(vyz14060), Succ(vyz14070), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0120(vyz1388, vyz1389, vyz1390, vyz1391, vyz1392, vyz1393, vyz1394, vyz1395, vyz1396, vyz1397, vyz1398, vyz1399, vyz1400, vyz1401, vyz1402, vyz1403, vyz1404, vyz1405, vyz14060, vyz14070, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0121(vyz2565, vyz2566, vyz2567, vyz2568, vyz2569, vyz2570, vyz2571, vyz2572, vyz2573, vyz2574, vyz2575, vyz2576, vyz2577, vyz2578, vyz2579, vyz2580, vyz2581, vyz2582, vyz2583, Succ(vyz25840), Succ(vyz25850), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0121(vyz2565, vyz2566, vyz2567, vyz2568, vyz2569, vyz2570, vyz2571, vyz2572, vyz2573, vyz2574, vyz2575, vyz2576, vyz2577, vyz2578, vyz2579, vyz2580, vyz2581, vyz2582, vyz2583, vyz25840, vyz25850, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0122(vyz2543, vyz2544, vyz2545, vyz2546, vyz2547, vyz2548, vyz2549, vyz2550, vyz2551, vyz2552, vyz2553, vyz2554, vyz2555, vyz2556, vyz2557, vyz2558, vyz2559, vyz2560, vyz2561, Succ(vyz25620), Succ(vyz25630), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0122(vyz2543, vyz2544, vyz2545, vyz2546, vyz2547, vyz2548, vyz2549, vyz2550, vyz2551, vyz2552, vyz2553, vyz2554, vyz2555, vyz2556, vyz2557, vyz2558, vyz2559, vyz2560, vyz2561, vyz25620, vyz25630, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch116(vyz3213, vyz3214, vyz3215, vyz3216, vyz3217, vyz3218, vyz3219, vyz3220, vyz3221, vyz3222, vyz3223, vyz3224, vyz3225, Succ(vyz32260), Succ(vyz32270), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch116(vyz3213, vyz3214, vyz3215, vyz3216, vyz3217, vyz3218, vyz3219, vyz3220, vyz3221, vyz3222, vyz3223, vyz3224, vyz3225, vyz32260, vyz32270, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch117(vyz3197, vyz3198, vyz3199, vyz3200, vyz3201, vyz3202, vyz3203, vyz3204, vyz3205, vyz3206, vyz3207, vyz3208, vyz3209, Succ(vyz32100), Succ(vyz32110), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch117(vyz3197, vyz3198, vyz3199, vyz3200, vyz3201, vyz3202, vyz3203, vyz3204, vyz3205, vyz3206, vyz3207, vyz3208, vyz3209, vyz32100, vyz32110, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch118(vyz3180, vyz3181, vyz3182, vyz3183, vyz3184, vyz3185, vyz3186, vyz3187, vyz3188, vyz3189, vyz3190, vyz3191, vyz3192, vyz3193, Succ(vyz31940), Succ(vyz31950), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch118(vyz3180, vyz3181, vyz3182, vyz3183, vyz3184, vyz3185, vyz3186, vyz3187, vyz3188, vyz3189, vyz3190, vyz3191, vyz3192, vyz3193, vyz31940, vyz31950, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch119(vyz3021, vyz3022, vyz3023, vyz3024, vyz3025, vyz3026, vyz3027, vyz3028, vyz3029, vyz3030, vyz3031, vyz3032, vyz3033, vyz3034, Succ(vyz30350), Succ(vyz30360), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch119(vyz3021, vyz3022, vyz3023, vyz3024, vyz3025, vyz3026, vyz3027, vyz3028, vyz3029, vyz3030, vyz3031, vyz3032, vyz3033, vyz3034, vyz30350, vyz30360, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1110(vyz3273, vyz3274, vyz3275, vyz3276, vyz3277, vyz3278, vyz3279, vyz3280, vyz3281, vyz3282, vyz3283, vyz3284, vyz3285, vyz3286, vyz3287, Succ(vyz32880), Succ(vyz32890), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1110(vyz3273, vyz3274, vyz3275, vyz3276, vyz3277, vyz3278, vyz3279, vyz3280, vyz3281, vyz3282, vyz3283, vyz3284, vyz3285, vyz3286, vyz3287, vyz32880, vyz32890, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1111(vyz3255, vyz3256, vyz3257, vyz3258, vyz3259, vyz3260, vyz3261, vyz3262, vyz3263, vyz3264, vyz3265, vyz3266, vyz3267, vyz3268, vyz3269, Succ(vyz32700), Succ(vyz32710), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1111(vyz3255, vyz3256, vyz3257, vyz3258, vyz3259, vyz3260, vyz3261, vyz3262, vyz3263, vyz3264, vyz3265, vyz3266, vyz3267, vyz3268, vyz3269, vyz32700, vyz32710, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0123(vyz2411, vyz2412, vyz2413, vyz2414, vyz2415, vyz2416, vyz2417, vyz2418, vyz2419, vyz2420, vyz2421, vyz2422, vyz2423, vyz2424, vyz2425, vyz2426, vyz2427, Succ(vyz24280), Succ(vyz24290), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0123(vyz2411, vyz2412, vyz2413, vyz2414, vyz2415, vyz2416, vyz2417, vyz2418, vyz2419, vyz2420, vyz2421, vyz2422, vyz2423, vyz2424, vyz2425, vyz2426, vyz2427, vyz24280, vyz24290, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0124(vyz2391, vyz2392, vyz2393, vyz2394, vyz2395, vyz2396, vyz2397, vyz2398, vyz2399, vyz2400, vyz2401, vyz2402, vyz2403, vyz2404, vyz2405, vyz2406, vyz2407, Succ(vyz24080), Succ(vyz24090), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0124(vyz2391, vyz2392, vyz2393, vyz2394, vyz2395, vyz2396, vyz2397, vyz2398, vyz2399, vyz2400, vyz2401, vyz2402, vyz2403, vyz2404, vyz2405, vyz2406, vyz2407, vyz24080, vyz24090, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0125(vyz2370, vyz2371, vyz2372, vyz2373, vyz2374, vyz2375, vyz2376, vyz2377, vyz2378, vyz2379, vyz2380, vyz2381, vyz2382, vyz2383, vyz2384, vyz2385, vyz2386, vyz2387, Succ(vyz23880), Succ(vyz23890), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0125(vyz2370, vyz2371, vyz2372, vyz2373, vyz2374, vyz2375, vyz2376, vyz2377, vyz2378, vyz2379, vyz2380, vyz2381, vyz2382, vyz2383, vyz2384, vyz2385, vyz2386, vyz2387, vyz23880, vyz23890, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0126(vyz2349, vyz2350, vyz2351, vyz2352, vyz2353, vyz2354, vyz2355, vyz2356, vyz2357, vyz2358, vyz2359, vyz2360, vyz2361, vyz2362, vyz2363, vyz2364, vyz2365, vyz2366, Succ(vyz23670), Succ(vyz23680), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0126(vyz2349, vyz2350, vyz2351, vyz2352, vyz2353, vyz2354, vyz2355, vyz2356, vyz2357, vyz2358, vyz2359, vyz2360, vyz2361, vyz2362, vyz2363, vyz2364, vyz2365, vyz2366, vyz23670, vyz23680, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1112(vyz41, vyz60, vyz61, vyz63, vyz64, vyz440, vyz441, vyz443, vyz444, Succ(vyz775000), Succ(vyz106000), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1112(vyz41, vyz60, vyz61, vyz63, vyz64, vyz440, vyz441, vyz443, vyz444, vyz775000, vyz106000, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1113(vyz41, vyz60, vyz61, vyz620000, vyz63, vyz64, vyz440, vyz441, vyz443, vyz444, Succ(vyz773000), Succ(vyz105200), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1113(vyz41, vyz60, vyz61, vyz620000, vyz63, vyz64, vyz440, vyz441, vyz443, vyz444, vyz773000, vyz105200, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1114(vyz622, vyz623, vyz624, vyz625, vyz626, vyz627, vyz628, vyz629, vyz630, vyz631, Succ(vyz845000), Succ(vyz125600), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1114(vyz622, vyz623, vyz624, vyz625, vyz626, vyz627, vyz628, vyz629, vyz630, vyz631, vyz845000, vyz125600, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0127(vyz2802, vyz2803, vyz2804, vyz2805, vyz2806, vyz2807, vyz2808, vyz2809, vyz2810, vyz2811, vyz2812, vyz2813, vyz2814, vyz2815, vyz2816, vyz2817, vyz2818, vyz2819, Succ(vyz28200), Succ(vyz28210), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0127(vyz2802, vyz2803, vyz2804, vyz2805, vyz2806, vyz2807, vyz2808, vyz2809, vyz2810, vyz2811, vyz2812, vyz2813, vyz2814, vyz2815, vyz2816, vyz2817, vyz2818, vyz2819, vyz28200, vyz28210, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0128(vyz2781, vyz2782, vyz2783, vyz2784, vyz2785, vyz2786, vyz2787, vyz2788, vyz2789, vyz2790, vyz2791, vyz2792, vyz2793, vyz2794, vyz2795, vyz2796, vyz2797, vyz2798, Succ(vyz27990), Succ(vyz28000), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0128(vyz2781, vyz2782, vyz2783, vyz2784, vyz2785, vyz2786, vyz2787, vyz2788, vyz2789, vyz2790, vyz2791, vyz2792, vyz2793, vyz2794, vyz2795, vyz2796, vyz2797, vyz2798, vyz27990, vyz28000, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch42(vyz622, vyz623, vyz624, vyz625, vyz626, vyz627, vyz628, vyz629, vyz630, vyz631, Succ(vyz6320), Succ(vyz6330), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch42(vyz622, vyz623, vyz624, vyz625, vyz626, vyz627, vyz628, vyz629, vyz630, vyz631, vyz6320, vyz6330, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1115(vyz936, vyz937, vyz938, vyz939, vyz940, vyz941, vyz942, vyz943, vyz944, vyz945, vyz946, Succ(vyz1000000), Succ(vyz121400), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1115(vyz936, vyz937, vyz938, vyz939, vyz940, vyz941, vyz942, vyz943, vyz944, vyz945, vyz946, vyz1000000, vyz121400, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch36(vyz936, vyz937, vyz938, vyz939, vyz940, vyz941, vyz942, vyz943, vyz944, vyz945, vyz946, Succ(vyz962000), Succ(vyz97500), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch36(vyz936, vyz937, vyz938, vyz939, vyz940, vyz941, vyz942, vyz943, vyz944, vyz945, vyz946, vyz962000, vyz97500, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0129(vyz936, vyz937, vyz938, vyz939, vyz940, vyz941, vyz942, vyz943, vyz944, vyz945, vyz946, Succ(vyz959000), Succ(vyz99300), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0129(vyz936, vyz937, vyz938, vyz939, vyz940, vyz941, vyz942, vyz943, vyz944, vyz945, vyz946, vyz959000, vyz99300, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch43(vyz936, vyz937, vyz938, vyz939, vyz940, vyz941, vyz942, vyz943, vyz944, vyz945, vyz946, Succ(vyz9470), Succ(vyz9480), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch43(vyz936, vyz937, vyz938, vyz939, vyz940, vyz941, vyz942, vyz943, vyz944, vyz945, vyz946, vyz9470, vyz9480, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1116(vyz3168, vyz3169, vyz3170, vyz3171, vyz3172, vyz3173, vyz3174, vyz3175, vyz3176, Succ(vyz31770), Succ(vyz31780), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1116(vyz3168, vyz3169, vyz3170, vyz3171, vyz3172, vyz3173, vyz3174, vyz3175, vyz3176, vyz31770, vyz31780, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1117(vyz3156, vyz3157, vyz3158, vyz3159, vyz3160, vyz3161, vyz3162, vyz3163, vyz3164, Succ(vyz31650), Succ(vyz31660), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1117(vyz3156, vyz3157, vyz3158, vyz3159, vyz3160, vyz3161, vyz3162, vyz3163, vyz3164, vyz31650, vyz31660, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1118(vyz3143, vyz3144, vyz3145, vyz3146, vyz3147, vyz3148, vyz3149, vyz3150, vyz3151, vyz3152, Succ(vyz31530), Succ(vyz31540), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1118(vyz3143, vyz3144, vyz3145, vyz3146, vyz3147, vyz3148, vyz3149, vyz3150, vyz3151, vyz3152, vyz31530, vyz31540, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1119(vyz3130, vyz3131, vyz3132, vyz3133, vyz3134, vyz3135, vyz3136, vyz3137, vyz3138, vyz3139, Succ(vyz31400), Succ(vyz31410), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1119(vyz3130, vyz3131, vyz3132, vyz3133, vyz3134, vyz3135, vyz3136, vyz3137, vyz3138, vyz3139, vyz31400, vyz31410, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0130(vyz2134, vyz2135, vyz2136, vyz2137, vyz2138, vyz2139, vyz2140, vyz2141, vyz2142, vyz2143, vyz2144, vyz2145, vyz2146, Succ(vyz21470), Succ(vyz21480), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0130(vyz2134, vyz2135, vyz2136, vyz2137, vyz2138, vyz2139, vyz2140, vyz2141, vyz2142, vyz2143, vyz2144, vyz2145, vyz2146, vyz21470, vyz21480, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0131(vyz2118, vyz2119, vyz2120, vyz2121, vyz2122, vyz2123, vyz2124, vyz2125, vyz2126, vyz2127, vyz2128, vyz2129, vyz2130, Succ(vyz21310), Succ(vyz21320), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0131(vyz2118, vyz2119, vyz2120, vyz2121, vyz2122, vyz2123, vyz2124, vyz2125, vyz2126, vyz2127, vyz2128, vyz2129, vyz2130, vyz21310, vyz21320, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0132(vyz2101, vyz2102, vyz2103, vyz2104, vyz2105, vyz2106, vyz2107, vyz2108, vyz2109, vyz2110, vyz2111, vyz2112, vyz2113, vyz2114, Succ(vyz21150), Succ(vyz21160), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0132(vyz2101, vyz2102, vyz2103, vyz2104, vyz2105, vyz2106, vyz2107, vyz2108, vyz2109, vyz2110, vyz2111, vyz2112, vyz2113, vyz2114, vyz21150, vyz21160, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0133(vyz2084, vyz2085, vyz2086, vyz2087, vyz2088, vyz2089, vyz2090, vyz2091, vyz2092, vyz2093, vyz2094, vyz2095, vyz2096, vyz2097, Succ(vyz20980), Succ(vyz20990), h) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0133(vyz2084, vyz2085, vyz2086, vyz2087, vyz2088, vyz2089, vyz2090, vyz2091, vyz2092, vyz2093, vyz2094, vyz2095, vyz2096, vyz2097, vyz20980, vyz20990, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ DependencyGraphProof
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_addToFM_C(vyz3, Branch(True, vyz41, vyz42, vyz43, vyz44), False, vyz501, h) → new_addToFM_C(vyz3, vyz43, False, vyz501, h)
new_addToFM_C(vyz3, Branch(False, vyz41, vyz42, vyz43, vyz44), True, vyz501, h) → new_addToFM_C(vyz3, vyz44, True, vyz501, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
The approximation of the Dependency Graph [15,17,22] contains 2 SCCs.

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ DependencyGraphProof
                              ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_addToFM_C(vyz3, Branch(False, vyz41, vyz42, vyz43, vyz44), True, vyz501, h) → new_addToFM_C(vyz3, vyz44, True, vyz501, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ DependencyGraphProof
                              ↳ AND
                                ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                          ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_addToFM_C(vyz3, Branch(True, vyz41, vyz42, vyz43, vyz44), False, vyz501, h) → new_addToFM_C(vyz3, vyz43, False, vyz501, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ CR
      ↳ BR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ COR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ LetRed
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ NumRed
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ Narrow
                        ↳ AND
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                          ↳ QDP
                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_foldl(vyz3, :(vyz50, vyz51), h) → new_foldl(vyz3, vyz51, h)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs: